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The Robeson Family Counseling Center is a ministry of God's love that is supported by ministers representing the faith based community to support pastors, congregations, families and individuals during challenging times of crisis, problems and opportunities.

  • We Are A Spiritually and Faith Based Ministry

    • We believe when spiritual resources are utilized, our help becomes more effective and growth is facilitated.  The Directors of our center have always been ordained clergy persons.  Our board is comprised of active clergy and laypersons from a broad spectrum in the faith based community.  We believe that God had led the Robeson Family Counseling Center from its inception in 1996.  We have counseled with individuals and families who have come with a wide range of life's challenges to the body, mind and spirit.  We have assisted pastors and laypersons with their shepherding ministry of care and counseling by providing individual consultation and public educational meetings.

  • We Have a Missionary Spirit

    • We have reached out to underserved areas of Robeson County.  Most recently, we have partnered with the Healing Lodge - a faith-based ministry - to provide services in the Pembroke area.  Requests for all aspects of our ministry have increased.  We began as a one day a week service and have grown to a full-time multiple staff ministry.  We strongly believe that spiritual resources are central to problem solving, healing and guidance.  We feel led to tell our story to the community so that God's love might be experienced through our ministry.  Examples of challenges our clients are facing are anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, alcohol or drug problems, physical illness, marriage, divorce and developmental issues with children.  The counseling part of our ministry is done in a setting of strict confidentiality.

  • We Seek to Build Upon the Experience and Tradition of Others

    • We have partnered with the School of Pastoral Care of North Carolina Baptist Hospital, which has pioneered for over 50 years in the field of pastoral care and counseling.  Churches all over the world seek consultation from the School of Pastoral Care.  Chaplains receive accredited Clinical Pastoral Education training there.  We are accredited by and receive consultation from the Samaritan Institute, a nationally known resource for faith-based counseling centers.  Those who seek our help want to know how God is involved in the vents of their lives.  Others face painful indecision and are seeking guidance and direction particularly as it relates to God's will.  Some individuals who seek our help may have no identified faith.  We believe God's love should be manifested in our assistance to these people.

  • We Are a Worshipping People

    • The gift of this church facility that previously formed from the Partners Ministry until the death of Ed Bullock a few years ago, enables our Center to provide meaningful and prayer experiences.  Laypersons, clergy and the unchurched in our community can gather in an intimate setting to worship in a supportive fellowship around common concerns, transition events, re-dedication of marriage and to celebrate God's continuing presence in our life journeys.

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